Madrasah Al-Ma’arif

Madrasah Al-Ma’arif (MAR) was founded by As-Syeikh Muhammad Fadzullah Suhaimi in 1936. In 2007, it relocated once more to the current premise at 3 Lorong 39 Geylang. In 2016, the Madrasah celebrated its 80th anniversary
As an all-female madrasah with intakes ranging from primary to pre-university levels, the Madrasah focuses equally on both the Islamic and Secular education. MAR also offers a holistic CCA program which consists of modular CCA at primary level and at secondary level, 4 clubs and societies (eg. Media Club, Lifeskills and Entrepreneurship Club) and 3 sports (eg. Archery, Silat and Netball).
The madrasah has introduced programmes that support and enhance the Ma’arif Experience – programmes such as Experiential Humanities Approach, ‘Science Comes Alive’ Programme, Values-based Early Morning Programme, Holistic CCA Programme, and comprehensive and progressive Pre U Programme, to name a few.
Values such as Respect, Adaptability, Resilience and Empathy serve as enablers to more competent and progressive individuals who remain rooted to the spirituality of students’ faith as Muslims.

Thank you very much for your kind donation. We are grateful for your generosity. We believe your generous act will make a positive difference in the lives of our students. The support you provide us is invaluable and may Allah bless and reward you and your family with abundant blessings.

Maisarah Kasim

Respect/ Adaptability/ Resilient/Empathy
To Nurture and develop future Muslimah leaders who are spiritually anchored, intellectually progressive and embrace connectedness with community.


Progressive Pre U Programme
The Pre U programme has been made more progressive through the introduction of Modular system (4 Modules – Syariah, Usuluddin, Critical Thinking & Writing, Islamic Worldview) in its approaches. In providing students with the experience of interacting with knowledge experts, Lecture Series, a two-hour weekly programme, which invites practitioners and experts in their fields to come forth to share their expert knowledge with the students. Research Work and Ma’arif Attachment Programme are two compulsory components which require students to critically apply, evaluate and synthesise theories into real-life experiences.

“Science Comes Alive” programme
Innovative approaches are introduced to ignite students’ interest and passion for Science by integrating Islamic elements in their projects and experiments which are showcased during the Maths and Science Festival. The curriculum is also designed to include research project, reflection journal, Science info-graph, mind-mapping, student-led Science Demo, student-led Science experiments and participation in Science Drama as well as Science Buskers activities.

Holistic Programme
In line with the school’s vision of providing a holistic education and development of our students, our programme is realigned to achieve this desired outcome. Our programme has been re-designed to include approaches that will equip students with skills that will be useful for them in life, such as Holistic CCA programme, Alternative Assessments and Interdisciplinary approach. Alternative assessments allow students to tap on their creativity and multiple intelligence by applying theoretical understanding into practical application.


Progressive Pre U Programme
The Pre U programme has been made more progressive through the introduction of Modular system (4 Modules – Syariah, Usuluddin, Critical Thinking & Writing, Islamic Worldview) in its approaches. In providing students with the experience of interacting with knowledge experts, Lecture Series, a two-hour weekly programme, which invites practitioners and experts in their fields to come forth to share their expert knowledge with the students. Research Work and Ma’arif Attachment Programme are two compulsory components which require students to critically apply, evaluate and synthesise theories into real-life experiences.

“Science Comes Alive” programme
Innovative approaches are introduced to ignite students’ interest and passion for Science by integrating Islamic elements in their projects and experiments which are showcased during the Maths and Science Festival. The curriculum is also designed to include research project, reflection journal, Science info-graph, mind-mapping, student-led Science Demo, student-led Science experiments and participation in Science Drama as well as Science Buskers activities.

Holistic Programme
In line with the school’s vision of providing a holistic education and development of our students, our programme is realigned to achieve this desired outcome. Our programme has been re-designed to include approaches that will equip students with skills that will be useful for them in life, such as Holistic CCA programme, Alternative Assessments and Interdisciplinary approach. Alternative assessments allow students to tap on their creativity and multiple intelligence by applying theoretical understanding into practical application.
These 3 outstanding madrasah students were the recipients of the LBKM 2021 Madrasah Award
SINGAPORE: Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud (LBKM) says the quality of students nominated for the LBKM Madrasah Award continues to “increase” and can be an example for national stream students.
Ustazah Sukarti is now a masyaikh of Pergas, the First established female advisor.
Ustazah Sukarti Asmoin, 67 years old, was elected as a masyaikh or established advisor during the recent Pergas Supreme Council line-up voting, was previously the first ustazah to hold the position of vice-president at the association.
Nurturing Future Leaders who will Benefit the Community
Community’s support is crucial in building leaders of tomorrow.
Play a part in developing our future asatizah and Muslim leaders, who will continue to lead our future generations
Contact the Madrasah
Contact Us
T : +65 6747 9835
E : [email protected]
W :
Mon-Fri :8.30 AM – 5:30 PM
Closed on Fridays : 12.30 PM – 2:30 PM
Closed on weekends and public holidays
Visit Us
Madrasah Al-Ma’arif Al-Islamiah
No. 3 Lor 39 Geylang, Singapore 387865